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Bible Passage/Message Of The Day from Street Tracts Int. Mission
& the Jesus Information Network :
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Provided by the Jesus Information Network. |
Prophetic Warning/Alarm Of The Day from Street Tracts Int. Mission
& the Jesus Information Network :
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Provided by the Jesus Information Network. |
JesusChristAfrica.net has links to many free Street Tracts and other good stuff!
Our JesusChristAfrica.net site is fishing with a net that catches some BIG fish!
A worldwide Jesus net is pulling in its catch!
E-mail for JesusChristAfrica.net and R. K. Street, Jr.
The JesusChristAfrica.net site -- here you can gain a better understanding
of God's Developmental Plan for our vast Universe, perhaps finally
grasping the Biblical Scheme of Earth's History and Direction. Here you can even find a new form
of long-term vision and divine insight, perhaps, as you consider for a while
the great and unchanging truths of the Holy Scriptures of the Christian Bible -- as you listen
to the words of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and as you peer
for a short while through the awesome Total View
perspective of Jesus Christ. It's a viewpoint that you can fully
appreciate only through divine grace... because that view is only possible
with the eyes of Jesus, via a blessing of His Holy Spirit...
when you are standing firm with your feet securely placed
on the Solid Rock of God's own Higher Ground!
Jesus Christ is the Rock of Salvation, the Foundation of Safety -- He's
the Word of God, the Sun of Heaven, the Light of the Universe --
and He's the Only Person Who fully knows both Heaven and Earth --
because (as He has said) He's the Only One Who came down to the Earth from Heaven.
He says that it would be easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away
than for one tiny dot of the Holy Scriptures to not be fulfilled...
Jesus says that (indeed) Heaven and Earth will one day pass away...
but that His words will NEVER pass away!
There are more things in Heaven and Earth
than are dreamt of in your philosophy, O Mortal Man!
Hear the words of Jesus, Who is the Word of God, the Bread of Life,
the True Manna that comes down to you from Heaven!
As for anyone who has ears to hear, let him hear the Truth of Jesus Christ,
Who is the Holy One, the Word of God, the Voice of God!
As for anyone who has eyes to see, let him read the Truth in the Holy Scriptures
of the Christian Bible, which is also God's Own Truth revealed
in a Book written by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God!
Only Jesus Christ, the One True Son of God, has ever seen both Heaven and Earth,
and He came down to Earth to reveal to us Truth that had not been
previously revealed since the Creation of the Universe.
Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away.
The great Christian adventurer Robert Cornuke rightly makes this remarkable declaration...
"People are jaundiced in their faith today. Men are not engaged; they're not excited. A lot of men are not going to church anymore... they're falling away from their faith. And I believe that the greatest adventure is not what I do -- going to climb mountains, diving in the sea, looking for Noah's Ark, Mount Sinai, Paul's shipwreck, all the things that I've done. The greatest adventure in this world is opening up the Bible. And adventure begins with belief. The minute you believe you are entering into a new realm of adventure that you will find nowhere else on this planet. And that adventure is God... and the results are the greatest treasure you could possibly imagine... in the Universe."
"Years ago, there was a Flood. And God called the animals and called Noah and his family into that Ark. And when that door on that Ark closed, it sealed all those outside... and they perished. It sealed all those inside... and they survived. You see, there's no spiritual Switzerland-- God calls us to be proactive; He calls us to a decision. He's calling you on the Ark today. It doesn't matter if we find an old beam on a mountain that we say is Noah's Ark... if you don't find the real Ark that's right in front of you. That real Ark is Jesus. That door is open. And God's calling you in. And if you go aboard that Ark-- when your heart stops beating, and that door is closed-- then when you're on that Ark, you're guaranteed eternal salvation and forgiveness of your sins. If you're outside of that Ark, you perish. There's an Ark in Christ, and God's calling you aboard it."
-- Robert Cornuke, August 23, 2007.
The sentences above, quoted from TBN's "Praise The Lord" and its TV program segment of August 23, 2007, were spoken by Robert Cornuke of the B.A.S.E. (Biblical Archaeology Search & Exploration) Institute. "Bob" Cornuke is a Christian explorer and an archaeological treasure-hunter; he is a Noah's Ark Hunter who was formerly a search-partner of the late Col. James B. Irwin. Col. James B. Irwin was also a believer in Christ, a Christian astronaut who walked on the Moon in connection with the Apollo 15 mission... and a driver of the first Moon Jeep. Col. Irwin is already in Heaven now with his Lord and King, having completed a High Flight to the Kingdom of Heaven. There he coninues his adventures in a realm much higher than that of planet Earth.
Names For Some Of The Main Sites Of Jesus Christ Tracts Int. Net
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JesusGospelTracts.com ChristianGospelTracts.com
JesusTracts.net JesusTracts.org JesusInformation.net JesusInformation.org
JesusBooklets.com JesusPamphlets.com GospelBooklets.com GospelPamphlets.com